Cabo Verde Participated in the 10th BAGAIA Meeting 2024-06-24

IPIAAM, represented by the Executive Member for Aeronautical Safety, Eng. Jorge Manuel Rodrigues and the Aeronautical Safety Investigator, Eng. Edmir Nero Santiago, participated from the 3th to the 7th of June, in a training session on Aviation Accident Investigation in Monrovia - Liberia, within the framework of activities promoted by the Banjul Agreement Group Agency for Aviation Accident Investigation (BAGAIA), in partnership with the European Union, through the Aviation Safety in Africa Project (EU-ASA).

On this same trip, from 10th to 12th June, this team joined to the delegation led by the Ambassador of Cape Verde in Abuja-Nigeria, Mr. Belarmino Silva, who represented His Excellency the Minister of Tourism and Transport, Mr. Carlos Santos, at the 10th Ordinary Meeting of the Committee of Member States of BAGAIA, which also took place in Monrovia – Libéria.

The 10th Ordinary Meeting of the BAGAIA committee served as a milestone for the celebration of BAGAIA's 15th anniversary, and Cape Verde represented by the Ambassador, received with great joy an award in recognition of the fundamental collaboration in advancing safety and efficiency in the sector of aviation in our region.


International Maritime Organization
Instituto Marítimo Portuário
Guarda Costeira Cabo Verde
Agência de Aviação Civil