Visit By The NSIB Director - General To IPIAAM 2024-06-27

As part of the program to strengthen institutional relations with international organizations in the context of  aeronautical and maritime accident investigations, the Institute for the Prevention and Investigation of Aeronautical and Maritime Accidents (IPIAAM) received, on June 20th, a visit from the Director-General of the Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB), Captain Alex Badeh Jr.

In this meeting, which included the participation of the BAGAIA Delegation, represented by Eng. Charles Erhueh, IPIAAM was represented by the Executive Director for Aeronautical Safety, Eng. Jorge Manuel Rodrigues, the Executive Director for Maritime Safety, Ms. Verena Vicente, and the Aeronautical Investigator, Eng. Edmir Santiago.

The NSIB is a multi-modal investigation authority and plays a key role in investigating occurrences in Nigeria's civil aviation, maritime, rail, and road sectors.

Among other topics, discussions covered the functioning of the maritime sector, the establishment of a pool of investigators, as well as the training and on-the-job training process. Captain Alex Badeh, in turn, highlighted the excellent organization of the Institute, suggesting that it could serve as an example for other investigative authorities in BAGAIA member countries.

IPIAAM, in partnership with NSIB, plans to conduct tabletop exercises on the investigation of aeronautical and maritime accidents, with the participation of investigators from this authority.


International Maritime Organization
Instituto Marítimo Portuário
Guarda Costeira Cabo Verde
Agência de Aviação Civil