Biography of The Executive Director - Aeronautical Sector 2021-10-27

Name: Eng.º Jorge Manuel Fernandes Barbosa da Silva Rodrigues

Role: Executive Director - Aeronautical Sector



Master of Science in Aviation Mechanical Engineer

Relevant training:

  • DHC-6 TWIN OTTER – 1982
  • Embraer 120/ Brazilia, 1991, (S. José dos Campos-Brazil);
  • Hawaker Siddley HS-748 serie 2ª, 1993, Inglaterra;
  • Dornier 228-200, 1994, Cabo Verde;
  • ATR-42/300 & “Engine Run-Up”, 1994, Toulouse/França;
  • Line Maintenance Hamilton Standard Propeller, Model 14 SF, 1995 USA;
  • Boeing 757 PW 2000/37 & 40, ETOPS operations, 1996, Seattle-USA;
  • Initial Pedagogical training for Trainers, 2005, Mundi Serviços -Lisbon
  • Engine Run Up e Táxi Boeing 757 PW 2000/37 & 40, Seattle-USA;
  • ATR-42/72 -500 & “Engine Run-Up”, 2007.
  • ATR instructor training-2011 – Toulouse –França
  • IOSA Auditor training by IATA-2017
  • SMS Train the Trainner course by IATA-2017
  • SMS Training course by IATA -2018
  • Aircraft Accident Investigation Orientation for Aviation Profissionals, NTSB, Virginia

 Professional career:

  • May 1982 – Starting Job at TACV on Maintenance and Planning Department;
  • February 1985 – Nominated as a coordinator of Maintenance Reliability Department;
  • July 1985 – Nominated to be a Manager of Maintenance and Planning Control Department;
  • January de 1987- Nominated as TACV Line Maintenance Manager;
  • December 1992 – Nominated as Maintenance Quality Inspector;
  • January 1993 – Nominated as an Instructor;
  • February 2000 – Appointed to coordinate an Operational Control Center Implementation;
  • January 2001 – Nominated as Engineering and Maintenance Division Manager of TACV;
  • March 2003 - Member of ETOPS team;
  • August 2005 – Invited and nominated to assume Engineering and Maintenance Manager Position at new company Halcyon Air;
  • October 2007 – Nominated to assume the responsibility as TACV Manager of Maintenance Training;
  • August 2012 – Invited and nominated to assume Engineering and Maintenance Manager Position at new company Air 26, Angola;
  • Since December 2015, appointed as instructor at Maintenance Training Department;
  • Executive Director for aeronautical branch at Institute for Prevention and Investigation Aeronautical and Maritime Accidents since 2019;
  • Nominated Secretary of Technical Committees (TC1) of BAGAIA (Banjul Accord Group Accident Investigation Agency).


International Maritime Organization
Instituto Marítimo Portuário
Guarda Costeira Cabo Verde
Agência de Aviação Civil