Status of implementation of safety recommendations in the maritime sector 2021-10-01

IPIAAM, within the scope of its attributions and mission, has been holding a round of meetings with the main stakeholders of the maritime sector.

The purpose of these meetings is to promote institutional cooperation in favor of the development of maritime safety in the country, which in this case, involves the analysis of the impact and status of implementation of the safety recommendations issued by IPIAAM and contained in the final investigation reports accidents or incidents carried out since its creation to the present date, as well as analyzing the best way to ensure its implementation.

In this way, and since operational safety requires from all involved, constant attention to the identification of possible dangers, it is intended to promote effective and transversal coordination among all stakeholders, contributing to the broad assimilation of safety recommendations and thus, promote a safe environment in maritime operations and prevent the occurrence of accidents in the field of merchant marine.


International Maritime Organization
Instituto Marítimo Portuário
Guarda Costeira Cabo Verde
Agência de Aviação Civil