Maritime Emergency Exercise - EMEX 23(I) 2023-03-23

IPIAAM, together with IMP, ENAPOR, ENACOL and VIVO ENERGY, promote on March 23 and 24, in Praia, the maritime emergency exercise called EMEX 23 (I).

Embodied in the Cooperation Protocols signed with ENAPOR, ENACOL and VIVO ENERGY and, similarly to the exercise carried out in October last year, the aim, through this joint EMEX 23(I) initiative, is to identify existing weaknesses and define measures that allow the improvement of operational procedures, as well as to introduce improvements in the coordination between the various institutions with specific competences in the field of national maritime safety.

Carried out in two phases, the first phase of the exercise consists of analyzing the existing legal framework in the maritime area, and on the second day the tabletop exercise will be carried out, in which participants will be executing the scenario of a maritime accident.

In what will be the first of a set of four maritime emergency exercises scheduled for the current year, in the various national ports, Porto da Praia will serve as the setting for the occurrence of a maritime accident recorded following a collision between a passenger ship and a fuel ship.

With the achievement of the proposed objectives, the aim is to strengthen inter-institutional cooperation relations, within the scope of preventing possible situations that may contribute to the occurrence of accidents and incidents of a maritime nature.

