Safety Recommendations for maritime transport 2019-09-20

Safety Recommendations


Recommended Entity

Implementation Status

RSM Nº 001-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “Fast Ferry” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP   Ongoing
RSM Nº 002-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “Fast Ferry” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP   Ongoing
RSM Nº 003-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “Fast Ferry” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP   Ongoing
RSM Nº 004-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “Fast Ferry” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP   Ongoing
RSM Nº 005-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “Fast Ferry” Companhia Fast Ferry  Ongoing
RSM Nº 006-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “Fast Ferry” Companhia Fast Ferry  Ongoing
RSM Nº 007-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “Fast Ferry” Companhia Fast Ferry  Ongoing
RSM Nº 008-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “Fast Ferry” Empresa Nacional de      Administração de Portos, ENAPOR, S.A.  Ongoing
RSM Nº 009-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident “LIAN RUN 35” and “RUITAIFENG 903” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP  Ongoing
RSM Nº 010-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident “LIAN RUN 35” and “RUITAIFENG 903” Companhia DALIANRUN CO Ltd.  Ongoing
RSM Nº 011-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident “LIAN RUN 35” and “RUITAIFENG 903” Empresa Nacional de Administração de Portos, ENAPOR, S.A.  Ongoing
RSM Nº 012-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident “LIAN RUN 35” and “RUITAIFENG 903” Polícia Marítima   Ongoing
RSM Nº 013-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident “LIAN RUN 35” and “RUITAIFENG 903” Serviços de Meteorologia  Ongoing
RSM Nº 014-IAM/2019 Investigation report of marine accident “LIAN RUN 35” and “RUITAIFENG 903” Estaleiros Navais da CABNAVE  Ongoing
RSM Nº 015-IIM/2019 Investigation report of marine incident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “CV Interilhas” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP   Ongoing
RSM Nº 016-IIM/2019 Investigation report of marine incident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “CV Interilhas” Companhia CV Interilhas  Ongoing
RSM Nº 017-IIM/2019 Investigation report of marine incident with the ship LIBERDADI of the company “CV Interilhas” Empresa Nacional de Administração de Portos, ENAPOR, S.A.  Ongoing
RSM Nº 018-IIM/2021 Investigation report of marine incident with the fishing vessel “KIBALI” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP   Ongoing
RSM Nº 019-IIM/2021 Investigation report of marine incident with the fishing vessel “KIBALI” Empresa Nacional de Administração de Portos, ENAPOR, S.A.  Ongoing
RSM Nº 020-IIM/2021 Investigation report of marine incident with the fishing vessel “KIBALI” Estaleiros Navais da CABNAVE  Ongoing
RSM Nº 021-IIM/2021  Investigation report of marine incident with the “F/B INTER-ILHAS” Companhia CV Interilhas  Ongoing
RSM Nº 022-IIM/2021 Investigation report of marine incident with the “F/B INTER-ILHAS” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP   Ongoing
RSM Nº 023-IIM/2021 Summary report of marine incident with the “F/RO-RO CHIQUINHO BL” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP  Ongoing
RSM Nº 024-IIM/2021 Summary report of marine incident with the “F/RO-RO CHIQUINHO BL” Empresa Nacional de Administração de Portos, ENAPOR, S.A.  Ongoing
RSM Nº 025-IIM/2021 Summary report of marine incident with the “F/RO-RO CHIQUINHO BL” Companhia CV Interilhas  Ongoing
RSM Nº 026-IAM/2021 Investigation report of marine accident “M/V DEIMOS” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP   Ongoing
RSM Nº 027-IAM/2021 Investigation report of marine accident “M/V DEIMOS” Empresa Nacional de Administração de Portos, ENAPOR, S.A.  Ongoing
RSM Nº 028-IAM/2021 Investigation report of marine accident “M/V DEIMOS” Companhias de Navegação  Ongoing
RSM Nº 029-IAM/2022 Investigation report of marine accident HSC “KRIOLA” Instituto Marítimo Portuário IMP  Ongoing
RSM Nº 030-IAM/2022 Investigation report of marine accident HSC “KRIOLA” Companhia CV Interilhas  Ongoing
RSM Nº 031-IAM/2022 Investigation report of marine accident between the fishing vessels “PONTA DE PEÇA” and “DJESONE” All institutions with competence in the field of maritime safety  Ongoing
RSM Nº 032-IAM/2022  Investigation report of marine accident between the fishing vessels “PONTA DE PEÇA” and “DJESONE” Instituto Marítimo Portuário/DNPA  Ongoing
RSM Nº 033-IAM/2022  Investigation report of marine accident between the fishing vessels “PONTA DE PEÇA” and “DJESONE” Fishing vessels owners  Ongoing
RSM Nº 034-IAM/2022 Final investigation report of marine accident of "N/M CHARIOT" and safety study in Porto Grande Bay

Government Entities

RSM Nº 035-IAM/2022 Final investigation report of marine accident of "N/M CHARIOT" and safety study in Porto Grande Bay

Maritime Authority

RSM Nº 036-IAM/2022 Final investigation report of marine accident of "N/M CHARIOT" and safety study in Porto Grande Bay

Port Administration



International Maritime Organization
Instituto Marítimo Portuário
Guarda Costeira Cabo Verde
Agência de Aviação Civil