Segurança da Aviação Civil 2019-09-20

The Institute for the Prevention and Investigation of Aviation and Maritime Accidents (IPIAAM), created through Decree-Law no. 62/2018 of December 12, is the Cape Verdean authority for the prevention and investigation of incidents and accidents, in the civil and maritime aviation sectors. Endowed with collective public legal personality, with administrative, financial and property autonomy. IPIAAM is a service rendered by the state, that operates under the care and supervision of the Government members responsible for the air and maritime transport sectors.

IPIAAM stems from the merger of the Commission for the Prevention and Investigation of Aircraft Accidents (CPIAA) and the Office for the Prevention and Investigation of Maritime Accidents (GPIAM), and is constituted as an independent National Authority with broad accident investigation powers, regarding aeronautical and maritime incidents, in accordance with international procedures, based on international regulations which Cape Verde subscribes, as well as national regulations. The Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention 1944), on Investigation of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents, establishes international principles for investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents. These are set in the national legal framework by means of the provisions of Decree. Law 62/2018, and other regulations published by IPIAAM.

The investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents aims to identify, as quickly and as effectively as possible, the underlying causes of such occurrences, to draw up and disseminate the corresponding reports, to promote studies, to make recommendations on aeronautical safety that aim to reduce the occurrence of accidents, thereby contributing to the enhancement of air transport safety in Cape Verde. Aeronautical safety investigations are separate and independent of any other investigation and by no means seek to assign blame or responsibility. IPIAAM also participates abroad as an accredited representative in serious accident and incident investigations involving aircrafts registered in Cape Verde.

The results of IPIAAM investigations are presented in terms of conclusions and contributing factors. IPIAAM does not use the term 'cause', which may be confused with legal causation, and is not restricted to identifying only one cause as the most important cause in a specific occurrence. Most aviation safety occurrences are the result of a complex interplay of many factors. These can be targeted for specific analysis in order to determine any probable cause(s) and issue safety recommendations. The final aim should always be that of always preventing accidents. IPIAAM aircraft accident notification phones are:

  • (+238) 9951774
  • (+238) 9931711
  • (+238) 9852872


Safety Reports

Safety reports are based on investigations conducted by the IPIAAM Aeronautical Safety Nucleus, in accordance with Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Decree Law 62/2018 of 12 December, and Aeronautical Accident and Investigation Regulations. Readers are emphasized that the sole purpose of IPIAAM's investigation is to increase aviation safety. Accordingly, IPIAAM reports are limited to safety-relevant issues and should not be used for any other aim or purpose.



International Maritime Organization
Instituto Marítimo Portuário
Guarda Costeira Cabo Verde
Agência de Aviação Civil