IPIAAM participates in an emergency exercise 2022-12-21
8th Meeting of the BAGAIA Commission 2022-11-28
IPIAAM at the Feira Azul of Cabo Verde Ocean Week 2022-11-24
BAGAIA workshops on accident investigation 2022-11-17
EMEX 22 - Maritime Emergency Exercise 2022-10-12
IPIAAM is present at the IXth edition of ExpoMar 2022-09-30
IPIAAM participates in the 29th MAIIF meeting 2022-09-23
Cabo Verde Interilhas visit 2022-08-08
Bird Safe program in the field with survey of poultry and livestock farmers 2022-07-29
MAWADIPOL consultants visit IPIAAM 2022-07-21
Positive safety culture 2022-06-30
HSC Kriola Incident 2022-06-24
EMAR Visit 2022-05-20
EASA visit 2022-04-20
Aviation Safety Week – Safety in civil aviation under debate 2022-04-11