Course on Marine Accident Investigation 2021-04-24
Operational Cooperation to prevent accidents in the maritime sector 2021-02-12
Visit of Enacol 2020-12-16
Incident with "F/V Kibali" 2020-12-16
Visit of the Commissioner of BAGAIA to the Minister of Maritime Economy 2020-09-21
BAGAIA: Cooperation in the prevention and investigation of accidents and incidents 2020-09-07
Safety investigation report of the accident with the fishing vessels “LIAN RUN 35” and “RUITAIFENG 903” 2020-08-27
O Conselho Directivo do IPIAAM recebe a visita do Sr. Ministro da Economia Marítima 2020-01-22
Relatório de investigação de segurança - Acidente com o Navio LIBERDADI 2020-01-06
IPIAAM integra Delegação Cabo-verdiana na 31.ª Assembleia da IMO 2019-11-28
IPIAAM socializa atividades programadas com a TICV 2019-09-20
IPIAAM reúne-se com AAC 2019-09-20
Visita institucional à AIB 2019-09-04
IPIAAM participates in the Aviation Safety Symposium 2019-09-04